1923-D Peace Silver Dollar

Denver Mint, Silver

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Select a Grade: Choice Uncirculated 63 NGC

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Act now to own a vintage 1923 Peace silver dollar! Issued from 1921–1935, the Peace dollar is the only U.S. silver dollar struck to commemorate peace. This classic 90%-silver coin was struck by the Denver Mint during the third year of the series. The obverse shows Liberty in a tiara of light. She is framed by the mottoes LIBERTY and IN GOD WE TRVST. (The word "trust" is spelled in classic style, with V in place of U.) Reverse features the inscription PEACE, along with an eagle holding an olive branch, perched on a rock above a rising unseen sun. The year 1923 witnessed the first Milky Way and Butterfinger candy bars. That same year, Calvin Coolidge became the 30th U.S. president when Warren G. Harding died of a heart attack while returning from a trip to Alaska. Recall these events with a historic 1923-D Peace silver dollar!