1935A $1 Silver Certificate WWII Short Snorter Note

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Issued to pay American forces participating in Operation Torch in North Africa during World War II, Silver Certificates with distinctive yellow seals are always popular. But here's one that's extra special – a yellow-seal $1 Silver Certificate that's also a coveted "short snorter" note!

These "short snorter" nickname comes from these notes' tradition. Troops carried these notes on their tours, asking people they met along the way to sign them. As each note filled, more would be taped end to end. Longer short snorters meant free drinks at the bar, as the person with the shortest had to buy a round of drinks!

  • "Short snorter" note features seven handwritten signatures on back
  • Series 1935A $1 Silver Certificate
  • Yellow seal and blue serial numbers
  • Issued for Operation Torch in North Africa, these notes' distinctive seals made them easy to declare worthless if they fell into enemy hands
  • Face bears portrait of George Washington and statement one dollar in silver payable to the bearer on demand
  • Julian-Morgenthau signatures
  • Photo shows actual note you will receive

Recall the camaraderie and valor of our WWII troops, with this authentic and unique "short snorter" yellow-seal Silver Certificate!