Oak Tree CoinageStruck 1660 to 1667

1662 Massachusetts Bay Colony
Oak Tree Twopence
Noe-31, Cr. 1-A.2 URS-8. 11.2 grains.
Very Fine/Extremely Fine.
Very Rare. Small Date variety.
This is the only Twopence denomination in the Massachusetts silver coin series, making it unique. The date reflects the year it was authorized and is the only coin in the series bearing this year.
Provenance: Ex: Jonathan Kern; present owner

1652 Massachusetts Bay Colony
Oak Tree Threepence. Backward S's.
Noe-23, Cr.1-A1. URS-6. 17.8 grains.
Choice Extremely Fine.
This is an attractive high grade example of a very scarce type. According to the cataloger in the Stack's 2005 John J. Ford, Jr. sale,
"Nicer than most others seen..."
Provenance: Ex: F.C.C. Boyd; John J. Ford, Jr., October 2005 #53; Anthony Terranova; present owner

1652 Massachusetts Bay Colony
Oak Tree Sixpence
Noe-22, Cr.1b-D. URS-9. 34.7 grains.
Choice Extremely Fine.
This is an outstanding example, one of the finest seen.
Provenance: Ex: F.C.C. Boyd; John J. Ford, Jr., October 2005 #50; Anthony Terranova; present owner

1652 Massachusetts Bay Colony
Oak Tree Shilling
Noe-9, Cr.4-C. URS-7. 70.2 grains.
About Uncirculated.
Rare. One of the finest known of this variety, and rare in this condition. Struck in Boston by mintmaster John Hull, from 1660-1667, all with the 1652 date.
Provenance: Ex: Jonathan Kern; present owner