Statehood Quarters Collection

Coin Checklist

Start your 1999-2008 Statehood quarter collection off right with this handy checklist! While many people choose to start their collection with just one coin of each design, others like to assemble complete Uncirculated sets with coins from both the Philadelphia and Denver Mints. When you also consider Clad and Silver Proof issues from San Francisco, your potential collection expands even further...

However you choose to collect America's Statehood quarters, this checklist is designed to keep you organized. If you'd simply like to collect one of each design, scroll down to use our Statehood Quarters Starter Collection checklist. It's organized by year, with the coins listed in their order of issue. Just check off the box beside the state design you're adding to your collection – it's that simple! If you'd like to print the checklist to carry with you, we have printer-friendly options available further down on this page.

Statehood Quarter; mint mark location is on the obverse.

Statehood Quarter; mint mark location is on the obverse.

If your collection is more inclusive, you can download the complete Statehood Commemorative Quarter Checklist. Just like the starter checklist, this full-length version features every state organized by year. But this version has columns for both regular issues from the Philadelphia and Denver Mints, as well as the clad and 90% silver Proofs from San Francisco. As you add to your collection, simply locate the state, then check off the box next to the appropriate issue for your coin. It's that easy!

The most important part of any collecting endeavor is to have fun. And the possibilities for a Statehood quarter collection are almost limitless! These checklists simply offer a helpful place to start. Learn more about America's Statehood quarters and their groundbreaking designs.

Please note: Statehood Quarters for circulation were minted in Philadelphia and Denver and are referred to as P and D, respectively. Read more about the U.S. Mints.

Statehood Quarters Starter Collection

Also available: our complete Statehood Quarters Checklist


DelawareP or DDelaware Statehood Quarter
PennsylvaniaP or DPennsylvania Statehood Quarter
New JerseyP or DNew Jersey Statehood Quarter
GeorgiaP or DGeorgia Statehood Quarter
ConnecticutP or DConnecticut Statehood Quarter

MassachusettsP or DMassachusetts Statehood Quarter
MarylandP or DMaryland Statehood Quarter
South CarolinaP or DSouth Carolina Statehood Quarter
New HampshireP or DNew Hampshire Statehood Quarter
VirginiaP or DVirginia Statehood Quarter

New YorkP or DNew York Statehood Quarter
North CarolinaP or DNorth Carolina Statehood Quarter
Rhode IslandP or DRhode Island Statehood Quarter
VermontP or DVermont Statehood Quarter
KentuckyP or DKentucky Statehood Quarter

TennesseeP or DTennessee Statehood Quarter
OhioP or DOhio Statehood Quarter
LouisianaP or DLouisiana Statehood Quarter
IndianaP or DIndiana Statehood Quarter
MississippiP or DMississippi Statehood Quarter

IllinoisP or DIllinois Statehood Quarter
AlabamaP or DAlabama Statehood Quarter
MaineP or DMaine Statehood Quarter
MissouriP or DMissouri Statehood Quarter
ArkansasP or DArkansas Statehood Quarter

MichiganP or DMichigan Statehood Quarter
FloridaP or DFlorida Statehood Quarter
TexasP or DTexas Statehood Quarter
IowaP or DIowa Statehood Quarter
WisconsinP or DWisconsin Statehood Quarter

CaliforniaP or DCalifornia Statehood Quarter
MinnesotaP or DMinnesota Statehood Quarter
OregonP or DOregon Statehood Quarter
KansasP or DKansas Statehood Quarter
West VirginiaP or DWest Virginia Statehood Quarter

NevadaP or DNevada Statehood Quarter
NebraskaP or DNebraska Statehood Quarter
ColoradoP or DColorado Statehood Quarter
North DakotaP or DNorth Dakota Statehood Quarter
South DakotaP or DSouth Dakota Statehood Quarter

MontanaP or DMontana Statehood Quarter
WashingtonP or DWashington Statehood Quarter
IdahoP or DIdaho Statehood Quarter
WyomingP or DWyoming Statehood Quarter
UtahP or DUtah Statehood Quarter

OklahomaP or DOklahoma Statehood Quarter
New MexicoP or DNew Mexico Statehood Quarter
ArizonaP or DArizona Statehood Quarter
AlaskaP or DAlaska Statehood Quarter
HawaiiP or DHawaii Statehood Quarter

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